Read our past newsletter articles here!
Terrain Theory Podcast:How to Create the Healthiest Home
Healthy Home Revolution: Podcast with Positive Energy
The Prescription for a Healthy House: How to Heat, Cool, Filter, Clean & Build a Biologically Friendly Home Podcast with Ben Greenfield Life
The EcoNest Light Straw Clay Process
How to Build a Healthy Home
Podcast: Discussion between Paula Baker-Laporte and Dr. Mercola
Exposing Mold: The Podcast
Home Design for the Chemically Sensitive with Paula Baker-Laporte
Ann Louise Gittleman Podcast
Blueprint for a Healing Home with Paula Baker-Laporte
Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library:
Healthy at Home in North America: Unique Challenges - Unique Opportunities
Presentation for the Building Biology Institute:
Preventing Mold Later by Building Better Now by Paula Baker-Laporte
TALKdesign with Adrian Ramsay:
Journey into the minds of the people who shape thinking with design
Latitude | Regenerative Real Estate and hosted by Neal Collins:
Designing healthy, natural homes with Paula Baker-Laporte
An EcoNest Affiliate is a professional builder who has taken a 16 day professional training with EcoNest Building Company and demonstrated proficiency in the timber framing and light straw clay construction system. If there is already an Affiliate in your area then we highly recommend you contact them and interview them for the job. We are happy to work with our Affiliates to make your project an EcoNest Workshop.